Years ago after having trouble finding jewelry she would love to wear, Afra decided to try to make some herself. She discovered that she loved to do this so much, she wanted to design and create more and more. Through friends she met someone who had been a goldsmith for over 15 years and decided to take masterclasses from her. Afra then became a goldsmith herself. Now, years later, Afra wears her ideal jewelry all day every day. The fact that she makes others happy with her jewelry too, is her dream coming true.
Afra is born and raised in Amsterdam and this has been her hometown ever since. Besides this city, she loves to be in Berlin for inspiration and self-development. This is a place where a lot of her inspiration comes from.
Besides designing and creating jewelry, Afra also loves to play vinyl records. 90s and modern techno, acid and electro are her favorites. Afra performs in clubs & festivals around the world.